Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day Twenty one - Week 3

Breakfast: 3 Waffles w/honey Oh yah these came out good! The recipe will be on my recipe site notes.

Lunch: Can of Vienna Sausage Was not hungry again
Dinner: Fried chicken -Baked in coconut oil & salt, pepper, chicken seasoning had with salad

Snack: Mixed nuts, raspberries
Exercise: Nope
Note: Ok on the waffles they came out way better than the first ones I tried. I used honey for the syrup. As for the chicken I tried it in one of those Fry Daddys..big mistake took forever should have just put in a cast iron skillet. After it heats up and you add food it starts to bubble and overflow over. Would recommend do NOT leave it have to watch the temp while on stove too. The reason I wanted the fry daddy was to be able to save the oil later but a facebook friend recommended I let it cool/strain it with small metal strainer with coffee filter to save for later in another container. Coconut oil is expensive so yes do this I am going too. I am going to use the LDS cans I get from canning.
Noticing that I am just not that hungry during lunch when I am busy.

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